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Frequently Asked Questions 
  • Who is BeneLynk?
    We are professional and caring advocates who understand government and community programs. Our services are paid for by your health plan and come at no cost to you. We “lead with help” to solve your social health problems and help you access more benefits.
  • How can we reach you if we have any other questions?
    Send an email to BeneLynk’s customer service team at, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
  • What if I do not want additional help from the government?
    The choice is yours! Our services are voluntary and offered at no cost. Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs), Medicaid, Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) and Extra Help are programs that help people who need them. You do not have to sign up for these benefits, but it may be worth it to see if you qualify.
  • Will this affect my health care benefits or VA health care?
    No. No matter which plan you have, your health care benefits won’t change; however, you might be able to get other government programs that could save you money.
  • Where is BeneLynk located?
    BeneLynk’s main office is in Sunrise, Florida; however, our team works across the country to assist members in all 50 states + DC.
  • Why is BeneLynk calling me?
    Health plans pay BeneLynk to help their members see if they might qualify for programs such as the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP), Medicaid, Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs), or Extra Help. With your permission, we will fill out and send application paperwork to the state or Social Security Administration. We follow up on your application to make sure it gets processed on time and help fix any state errors. We can also assist with any yearly renewals if you need help.
  • Why are the diagnoses pre-checked?
    The diagnoses are pre-checked, so we can ask for the complete medical chart. It does not mean you have those conditions. You can check the “I do not want sensitive diagnoses release...” box if you wish.
  • Can I cancel this authorization?
    You can cancel the release in writing at any time, and no more records will be released. The change is effective when the VA Release of Information (ROI) Unit gets your request.
  • How do I get a copy of what you are requesting?
    You can get a copy of your VA medical records by going online to: You can also go to your local VA facility to complete the form in-person.
  • Will the VA Form 10-5345 affect my current benefits with my health plan and/or the Veterans Administration?
    Completing this form does not affect any benefits you may be getting. Getting this information helps us find additional benefits that could help you.
  • What is the VA Form 10-5345 used for?
    This form allows BeneLynk to get your VA health record information for your Medicare health plan. We share your information directly and only with your Medicare health plan, so they can have the whole picture of your health.
  • Who is requesting my VA medical record and why?
    If you are a Veteran getting care at a VA facility, this care might not be shared with your providers outside of the VA. Your Medicare health plan would like to help you by making sure they have the whole picture of your health. This helps them to better serve you and allows them to offer you programs or reminders that might be good for your health. We know that getting care from two different networks can be challenging, so as your medical home, your health plan wants to help you with this process. It is completely voluntary, and your information is not shared with anyone besides your health plan.
  • Why is my date of birth listed on the form?
    Your date of birth is added on the VA Form 10-5345 as a convenience to you.
  • What authority does the VA Form 10-5345 give to you?
    This form allows us to get your VA medical health records and share them with your Medicare health plan.
  • Why is someone from Florida helping me even though I live in another state?
    BeneLynk’s corporate office is in Sunrise, Florida; however, our team works across the country to assist members in all 50 states + DC.
  • How long does the authorization last?
    The AoA is good for one year from the date you signed it, or until you are no longer enrolled in your health plan. If you change your mind after you have signed it, you can cancel at any time. Just call 1-888-715-0225 or send an email to
  • What does the AoA form do?
    Signing the AoA form lets us help you with things like: · Getting another copy of your Medicaid renewal form · Filling out state forms · Helping you get proof of your answers · Contacting the Medicaid office to check your renewal date or current coverage If you ask us for help with your Medicaid or Medicare Savings Program application or renewal, we will use your signed form to prove that we have permission to help you. Unless you contact us for help, the form just stays on file.
  • Does the AoA form change my plan?
    No. The AoA does not change your health plan benefits.
  • Do I have to sign the AoA form?
    No. Signing the form is completely voluntary. If you let us know that you do not want to sign it, we will update your file, so you do not keep getting mail from us. Just call 1-888-715-0225 or send an email to
  • If I sign the AoA form, does it mean you will do my annual Medicaid renewal?
    No. Although we will help you with your application, your renewal is usually sent to only you on a pre-printed form for you to complete and sign. However, we would be happy to walk through the form with you and answer any questions. It is important that you keep your address and phone number updated so your Medicaid agency always knows how to reach you. You should also pay attention to any mail you receive from them. Make sure you follow whatever directions they provide to prevent any gap in your benefits.
  • How can we reach you if we have any other questions?
    Send an email to BeneLynk’s Government Relations team at, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
  • Why is someone from Florida helping a member who lives in another state?
    BeneLynk’s corporate office is in Sunrise, Florida; however, our team of knowledgeable advocates and government relation specialists work remotely across the country and assist our client’s members in all 50 states + DC.
  • What does BeneLynk do?
    Among other things, we provide information about LIS, SNAP, Medicaid, and the Medicare Savings Programs (MSP). We help our client's members, who are potentially eligible to apply and become enrolled in these programs. We also provide education about the Medicaid renewal process and assist these dual enrolled or Medicaid members as needed.
  • Why is your phone number listed on outreach materials?
    The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requires Medicare Advantage plans who conduct Medicaid outreach to “coordinate its education and enrollment efforts with the appropriate State Medicaid Agency and local SHIP offices so that these entities are aware of the Medicare Advantage Organization’s efforts.” This requirement is stated in Section 200.6 of Chapter 4 in the Medicare Managed Care Guidelines.
  • Why is our phone number listed on your outreach materials?
    The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requires Medicare Advantage plans who conduct Medicaid outreach to “coordinate its education and enrollment efforts with the appropriate State Medicaid Agency and local SHIP offices so that these entities are aware of the Medicare Advantage Organization’s efforts.” This requirement is stated in Section 200.6 of Chapter 4 in the Medicare Managed Care Guidelines and can be located here.
  • Does BeneLynk do the same work that SHIP counselors do?
    Yes and no. Like you, we also help Medicare beneficiaries to apply for the Low-Income Subsidy (LIS), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Medicaid and the Medicare Savings Programs (MSP) when they appear to qualify and assist them with their annual renewals as needed. However, we don’t assist with Medicare plan enrollment or plan comparison. All our members have already enrolled in one of our contracted Medicare managed care plans before we conduct any outreach. We also don’t provide any information about Medicare plans versus fee-for-service, or assist with Medicare billing issues, etc.
  • What does BeneLynk do for Medicare beneficiaries?
    We assist Medicare beneficiaries who are enrolled in one of our contracted Medicare health plans and who appear to qualify for LIS, SNAP, Medicaid and the Medicare Savings Programs (MSP). We assist with initial application and annual renewals.
  • How can we reach you if we have any other questions?
    Send an email to BeneLynk’s Government Relations team at, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
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BeneLynk is a national provider of social determinant of health (SDoH) solutions for Managed Care plans. We serve plans and their members by providing the help members need to get the benefits they deserve*.

View our frequently asked questions to learn more about how we work with your health plan to help you live your healthiest life!

*Availability of services depends on your health plan provider.

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